
October 27, 2011

Polish #3- A polish that makes me happy.

This color was hard to choose, All polish makes me happy isn't that kind of the point of this whole blog and my entire collection and the reason why I cannot stop buying polish. I was actually supposed to be on a no buy, for the last 3 or so months trying again at the beginning of every month and still failing miserably within a week or so. Yes I know bad me, But I just can't help it I want to buy all the pretty sparkly things, or not sparkly but you get the point. I love polish and I love buying it. My most recent "slip- up" was finding the Color Club Back to Boho Set A at ross, and the Wet N Wild Sale on Walgreens. Oh and Swapping with  someone to finally get my hand on the On The Prowl, Which so never made it to NM. What do they think that us New Mexicans don't like polish or LE collections? Well we do, Or at least I do and I know of a few others who do but I'm sure there are more Crazy polish lovers in this state.

So what was the point I was making? Oh yes my attemps at being "good" and not buying. Ha they were out the window so fast. It's not my fault blame the makeup companies that make just pretty colors and everything that I "need".

Ok so I will stop rambling for the moment to show you a polish that makes me happy. I went with the good ol' simple color that I have loved for a very long time. Pls excuse the mess these were taken without cleanup. And I really didn't realize how bad they looked till after taking pics, and changing my polish again. Sorry I've been busy lately, started a new job on monday and just haven't had the time to post.
Base Coat
2 coats Sinful Colors- Black on black
(there was no topcoat, because I added something on top of this but failed miserably, and it chipped the next day. I only wore this mani for like a day and a half.) 

Also this bottle has a wonkie brush, made it annoying to apply, But out of all the Sinful Colors I own this is the only one with a bad brush... 

 Anyone notice how I will ramble on about a polish or color before I even tell you what it is. LOL I'm not sure how this happens it just does.  

October 20, 2011


Yesterday I posted my least favorite polish... Instead of just changing it right away, I added some pretties, well a lot of pretties actually. I figured since I had been wanting to try this look and i already had white on my nails why not? Just a not I did go a little crazy with the pictures, as in I took alot of pictures but I had fun hehe. Without further ado... 
So I used a bunch of polish, below is a pic but I'll list them too: 
Base color is of course Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear White on
Red: Icing- Flamingo Dancer
Orange: Color club- Wham! Pow!
Yellow: Color club- Almost Famous
Green: Nina Ultra Pro- Lime Light
Blue: Color Club- Chelsea Girl
Purple: China Glaze- Flying Dragon(Neon)

Stamping: plate - M78 (mash set) in Wet N Wild Black Creme
Glitter: Ulta- Glitter Top Coat (I love the crappy name for this polish BTW) 
and topped with Seche Vite

Ah- hem pls excuse the mess behind my polishes, I sat on floor in front of the coffee table, Catching up with  the show Dexter. Which is so awesome I actaully stopped watching it in the beginning of  season 4 but this season (6) looks so good, now I have to catch up. So I downloaded all of season 5 to our DVD gotta love VOD right, and getting season 4 disc by disc, just finished the 2nd disc and waiting on number 3. Yay. 

Ok you don't want to hear anymore about my tv habits I'll leave you with the rest of my pics to look at... Enjoy ...

I know these are not perfect, but I am super happy with it. Turned out better than I had pictured in my head. I like the idea of posting my challenge nails, then adding something to them. I can't say if I'll do it with every challenge mani, But it sure seems like I will most of the time. I dunno yet we'll see.

I do plan on leaving these on my nails for as long as I can stand it, which may be anywhere from 3-6 days. so as long as i don't get any chips I'll leave them, Lets hope I don't knock my hand into something... knowing me thought I'll just be itching for a change before it chips.

October 19, 2011

Polish # 2- My Least Favorite

  I'm sure there are a ton of polishes in my collection that I don't really like or just keep around for no reason other than I can't let them go. But this polish I love the color just hate the polish. I know I'm not the only who has this problem, I have actually heard good things are this particular one, but I guess I'm kinda picky because I hate it. Like I said love the color but not this polish its awful. Below is 3 very careful coats of Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear White On,

Base coat
3 coats White on
wet n wild clear coat 
topped with Seche Vite 

Now I know this is not the best application, I took my time with each coat carefully trying to get just enough polish on the brush, not too much not too little.
The first coat went on typically un-even and a lot of bald spots.
Second coat appiled will enough but did not cover all bald spots.
So I applied the third coat much thinner than the first two and again tried to be super careful. 

Still the polish did pool at my cuticles, just a little bit but Still UGH!  Like I said  I do love whit polish, just not this one. I only use it for dots or stamping sometimes. Otherwise it just sits there un-used, I just dont like it needing 3 coats, It doesn't dry all that fast either to me seemed like drying time was longer than normal. Maybe not it could just be me being picky. Like I said before I have heard good things about this polish, and I will admit it does look pretty after it dries and all that. Even with the pooling it looks good IRL, my photos just emphasize the flaws in application.   

October 17, 2011

Had to add something...

What can I say, I just can't leave well enough alone sometimes. After staring at Tidal Wave for a day, I wanted to add something on top... Stamping, Glitter, Crackle, something to spice it up a bit.

This is what I ended up with:

 Yup I settled on adding crackle to tidal wave. I had first thought to use black crackle, but my BF thought the purple would look better ...
I probably should of done an accent nail in black, to compare but oh well I'm happy with just the purple. I love how it changes the whole look of Tidal Wave 

The only problem I had was the crackle caused bad shrinkage then adding Seche Vite on top of that cause more shrinkage... 
If anyone noticed my nails are shorter today, Because of the weird shrinkage I filed them down a bit to hide the uglyness , Yes I file when I have polish on it works for me. 

what you see is one thick coat of China Glaze- Fault Line 
and another coat of Seche Vite 

I'll probably wear this through today and change tomorrow morning... 
Now to figure out what I'll be using... next on the challenge is My Least Fav polish... 
hmmm wasn't there some reason I dont wear that polish??? 
I honestly have no idea what I'm going to use, I have a bunch of polishes that are not my fav or a Pain to apply, well I'll have to look through and see what I want to use. Till then... 

Day 1- Favorite Polish

I have so many Favorite polishes, I can't help it there are just soo many pretty colors that I love. At first I thought what am I going to pick... So I went with an oldie that I've had for about 10 years. I used to wear this all the time, then the polish got all goopy and wouldn't dry, but I could not throw it out and never did. Then about a year ago I heard about polish thinner, this poor baby need quite a bit too, there was only about a quarter of the bottle left, after I thinned it I have a little over half a bottle. Yay means I can still use this for a while now.

So as I said Yesterday taking pics of this color using flash was out of the question, so today I sat in front of a window and tried to get color accurate pictures, Let me tell you this color is a PITA to capture. But I think I got it pretty good in the end. So here it is...

 In some lighting looks more green, and in some looks a tad more blue. It's teal what can I say.

base coat
3 coats Revlon Tidal Wave (who could tell from the bottle it was revlon?) and it needed all 3 coats 
Wet N Wild clear coat
and topped with Seche Vite

 Sadly this Color is discontinued, I have no idea how long ago it was discontinued. Like I said I've had this for about 10 years, bought at a Rite Aid for 2.99 when I was about 12, that day I had $5 to spend bought this and 2 wet n wilds. A pale yellow and this awesome glitter, sadly the glitter dried up long before I knew about polish thinner and got thrown out. =/ 

This is the first time I've worn this color in soo long I missed it actually. I kept staring at my nail just enjoying the color hehe Yea I know I'm a little weird, I came to terms with that a long time ago. 

But I do have to say as much as I love the color it seemed boring to me somehow, the reason I realized later was because I havent had just one color on lately or alone, I've been wearing diff colors for accent nails or the halfmoons, or glitter or something. So after taking my pics for todays post I decided to add a little something... More on that tomorrow...

October 16, 2011

Oh The Horror....

Beware below are some graphic pictures of BARE slightly yellowed nails...

One day last week I had some major chipping on my mani and just had enough time to take off my polish, So I decided to take pictures and share my not so pretty nails with you all...  (also there is more to this post than just ugly yellow nails... just keep reading or scroll down and skip the icky pictures...)

I actually had to wear them like this for a whole evening until the next morning when I could re-paint my nails. Yes I know this wouldn't be bad for most people but not me (and if your reading this, then probably you too) In the past ten years or so I actually never had bare nails, With just a few exceptions and that was only in the past year and a half or so... and even then only a handful of times for a couple days at most.

So anyway point is I never leave them bare, you get the point right. And with further ado here they are:

 So this is my poor little nails all naked and exposed....
 Applied a base coat for a bit of shine I had to at least have some shine right. 

Today I started the 30 Days of Polish Challenge which was written Erin at The Sugar Cube, Now the image I have below was made by Joy at Okay Now Joy, I love how she made it to match her blog background, I first saw this posted in PaA and thought it would be fun and interesting. 

The only thing is I am not going to change everyday, I'm going to change every 2 to 3 days and post then. So it's more of a 30 polish Challenge, this will make my challenge last a lot longer but I'm excited to see what I come up with. 

For the first day it is "you favorite polish", I actually already did this buuutttt missed the sunlight, so taking pics did not work, I tried but flash totally changed the color of my polish, and there isn't any decent lighting in my house for nail pics. So tomorrow morning I will take some pics in natural sunlight and post sometime tomorrow. 

October 14, 2011

Glitter Sam-mich!

My first try at it actually. And I have to say that I loved this look. It's so different but subtle on the nail. I'm not sure, but isn't this usually done using a "jelly" polish? I know I probably have some, but not sure how to tell the different, and/ or too lazy to go through all my polish to check which ones were Jellys. So I figured that a neon would work great. So I pulled out my Heaven polishes, I only have two but love these colors they are so pretty.

I took pictures of each step so here they are. And then of course some pretty pictures after topcoat. So pls excuse the mess on some of the in-process pics. I did not clean up in between each step.

 On my right hand I painted Heaven- Marine Blue with an accent nail of Heaven- Dream, and of the left hand I reversed it. 

Oohhh look at that pretty semi-matte finish, just like all neons.

2 coats of Heaven nail lacquer- Marine Blue & Dream
1 coat Pure Ice- Cheatin
then one coat Sally Hansen Xtreme wear- In the Spotlight
And on top of all that a super thin coat of either Marine Blue or Dream. 

HaHa I have no idea how I got so much polish all over my Pinkie on my left hand. I actually don't remember it being that bad but pictures don't really lie. Hehe oops oh well nothing to be done about it now. 
I so loved that I had a glitter with both blue and purple glitter only, it went with my colors so well. 
Now right before I put the last layer of color on i t did pain me a little bit to cover In the Spotlight... Just look at bottle and all the pretty rainbow sparkle, but I did cover it this is a Glitter sam-mich after all, and can't have that if I don't cover the glitter.

Ok so here's the pretty pictures of the finished Sam-mich....

October 11, 2011

Half Moon take two!

The last time I tried the Half Moon  look I hated it, and then I hated it more as the day went on... But I wanted to try it again. I thought maybe it was that my nails were so short at the time, or the colors I used, or the fact that I added so much to it. Probably a combination of everything I just said. So this time I actually liked it alot. And will definitely do this again. So on to the good stuff...

Base color is Ulta- The Skinny
topped with Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear- Twinkle, Twinkle
stamped on top of the glitter with Pure Ice- Silver Mercedes. 
(Also I used the paper reinforces for the half moon.)

So after a few days wear I had one big chip (of course I photographed around it so you cant see it) And my nails were getting a bit long for me, So I figured why not kill two birds with one stone, I wanted to see how this looked on my shorter nails. So i carefully cut them and filed just enough to smooth out the edges. I actually could of worn them like this for a couple more days but didn't wanted something new. But I did take more pictures...
 So what do you think about them shorter? I liked it and think it works fine on short nails. 

Excuse the blue smudges in the "half moon" part of my nails, when I applied the Twinkle, Twinkle the blue kind of rubbed onto the brush and then left blue there. It was not that noticable in person.  

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