
October 27, 2011

Polish #3- A polish that makes me happy.

This color was hard to choose, All polish makes me happy isn't that kind of the point of this whole blog and my entire collection and the reason why I cannot stop buying polish. I was actually supposed to be on a no buy, for the last 3 or so months trying again at the beginning of every month and still failing miserably within a week or so. Yes I know bad me, But I just can't help it I want to buy all the pretty sparkly things, or not sparkly but you get the point. I love polish and I love buying it. My most recent "slip- up" was finding the Color Club Back to Boho Set A at ross, and the Wet N Wild Sale on Walgreens. Oh and Swapping with  someone to finally get my hand on the On The Prowl, Which so never made it to NM. What do they think that us New Mexicans don't like polish or LE collections? Well we do, Or at least I do and I know of a few others who do but I'm sure there are more Crazy polish lovers in this state.

So what was the point I was making? Oh yes my attemps at being "good" and not buying. Ha they were out the window so fast. It's not my fault blame the makeup companies that make just pretty colors and everything that I "need".

Ok so I will stop rambling for the moment to show you a polish that makes me happy. I went with the good ol' simple color that I have loved for a very long time. Pls excuse the mess these were taken without cleanup. And I really didn't realize how bad they looked till after taking pics, and changing my polish again. Sorry I've been busy lately, started a new job on monday and just haven't had the time to post.
Base Coat
2 coats Sinful Colors- Black on black
(there was no topcoat, because I added something on top of this but failed miserably, and it chipped the next day. I only wore this mani for like a day and a half.) 

Also this bottle has a wonkie brush, made it annoying to apply, But out of all the Sinful Colors I own this is the only one with a bad brush... 

 Anyone notice how I will ramble on about a polish or color before I even tell you what it is. LOL I'm not sure how this happens it just does.  

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